Saturday, February 25, 2012

What i'm giving up for Lent

Okay, Lent started on Wednesday, February 22. Lent goes for 40 days not including Sundays. 6 weeks. Technically 6 1/2. This year, what i'm giving up is spending unnecessary money. Every week i get $25 dollars, for 6 weeks i'm only spending $5 a week. That's my goal anyway. So i should have $120 at the end of Lent. But i think i'm only gonna have $100, i have to go to town on March 7 for a doctors appointment so my goal for town is to only spend $20 plus any extra i have from my $5 a week. Lets see how this works.

I promise to keep you all posted,
till next time,

Monday, February 20, 2012

Mardi Gras, Ash Wednesday, and giving stuff up...

Happy early Mardi Gras.

Mardi Gras is tomorrow, and i am so exicted.  I don't even know why but its probably for the fact that every year, for Mardi Gras or Fat Tuesday my church has a pancake supper. I take part every year, making and flipping pancakes. I really can't wait.

But, besides that, Ash Wednesday comes after that, i know duh, wednesday always comes after tuedsay but still. Ash Wednesday means we give up something for 40 days not including sundays.
what are you going to give up ? (leave a comment to tell me).

I'm going to give up eating at fast food restaurants, the only thing for me, is when my dad's home, he always goes out to eat, i'm just going to get something healthy.

til next time,

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

3 things ... Valentine's Day

I know, its late, but HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY : )

mini marshmellow hearts : )

Valentine's day chocolate, really good chocolate too

Valentine's day cards;
yes i'm a high school student and still trade valentines with my friends
so here ya go,
til next time,

Monday, February 13, 2012


hey everybody,
you know how i did a post on what to wear snowshoeing. (if you haven't seen it check it out here ) well here are a few pics of my close friends getting ready to go snowshoeing with our class.
cutest hat ever : )

reppin the cougars : )

LOL, i love my friends.

til next time,

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Clarenville Winter Carnival 2012

Friday, February 10th, 2012:
9:00 am - free adult skating at the Clarenville events center
10:00 am - free family skating at the Clarenville events center
6:00 pm -start of the 39th annual atom hockey touranment at the Clarenville events center
6:00 - 8:00 pm -opening ceremonies at Elizabeth Swan park, lighting of the flame, snowmobile rides, free horseback rides, and a giant fireworks display, lots of goodies including popcorn, hot chocolate and a wiener roast
7:00 pm - grade 10 boys provincial voleyball tournament at the Clarenville middle school gym
7:00 - 10:00 pm - night skiing at White Hills
8:00 - 11:00 pm - winter carnival kitchen party at the Clarenville events center theatre, lots of music and fun, admission is $5 without carnival button, $3 with carnival button

Saturday, February 11th, 20129:00 am - grade 10 boys provincial volleyball tournament at the Clarenville middle school gym
9:00 am - 39th annual atom hockey tournament at the Clarenville events center
1:30 - 3:00 pm - family fun day, ice fishing, sliding, snowmobile rides, camp fire and hot chocolate sponsored by and held at Thorbun Lake
2:00 - 5:00 pm - seniors time at the Clarenville lions den, an afternoon of live music by 'GB Country' followed by a lunch
9:00 pm - valentine's day dance sponsored by the Canadian Legion in cooperation with the winter carnival committee
9:00 pm - dance at White Hills with music by 'Sticks and Stones', admission is $12.00

Sunday, February 12th, 20121:30 pm - championship games for the 39th annual atom hockey tournament at Clarenville events center
4:00 pm - family valentine's skating at the Clarenville events center - dress up in your valentine's day finest; red, pink, hearts and cupids, prizes awarded for best costume
6:30 - 8:00 pm - family night skating at the Shoal Harbour Causeway, hot chocolate will be provided.

 Monday, February 13th, 201210:00 - 11:30 am - legionnaires and friends curling funspiel at the Clarenville events center
7:00 pm - youth curling at the Clarenville events center for free
7:00 pm - touch the star, hike the Bare Mountin trail underneath the stars, meet at the Manitoba Professional bulding parking lot, hot chocolate will be provided
8:00 pm - legion bingo

Tuesday, February 14th, 2012 - Happy Valentine's Day10:00 am - legionnaires and friends curling funspiel at the Clarenville events center followed by wine and cheese
6:30 pm - adult cooking class hosted by Sobeys, $15 per person

** a note to all Clarenville High students this is the day for WINTER FEST : )
    ^^ Winter Fest has been postponed until MARCH 8th, 2012

Wednesday, February 15th, 20129:00 - 10:00 am - free adult skating at the Clarenville events center
10:00 - 11:00 am - free family skating at the Clarenville events center
5:30 pm - baked bean supper at the United church in Shoal Harbour, eat in or take out, includes a roll, pie, and ice cream, tickets are $6
7:30 pm - lions bingo
8:00 pm - fitness fun walk, at the Clarenville events center, wear your walking shoes and bring a non-perishable food item, prizes to be won

Thursday, February 16th, 201210:00 am - free snowshoeing at White Hills. bring your own snowshoes
2:00 pm - free senior movie matinee, hosted by Clarenville twin cinemas, come along and bring a friend
7:00 pm - boil up on the rotary trail, complimentary hot chocolate, wieners and marshmellows, bring your own flashlight
7:30 pm - lions bingo

Friday, February 17th, 20129:00 am - free adult skating at Clarenville events center
10:00 am - free family skating at Clarenville events center
7:00 - 10:00 pm - night skiing at White Hills
7:00 pm - 14th annual battle of the brains held at Reflections, all participants must be registered on a team

Saturday, February 18th, 201211:00 am - discovery cross country fun ski tour
2:00 - 4:00 pm - scavenger hunt for all ages at the Clarenville events center, prizes to be won, winners will be announced at the closing ceremonies
6:00 -7:00 pm - free general skating for all ages at the Clarenville events center
8:00 pm - Senior hockey game, Clarenville vs. Grand Falls, seat tickets are $14, standing tickets are $12
10:00 pm - winter carnival time, music by 'Slainte', admission is $5 with carnival button

Sunday, February 19th, 20121:30 pm - senior hockey game, Clarenville vs. Grand Falls, seat tickets are $14, standing tickets are $12
2:00 pm - family tobogganing party on back of Clearwater Drive, hot chocolate is available
4:00 - 5:00 pm - general skating at the Clarenville events center
6:00 - 8:00 pm - family night (13 and under) at the Clarenville middle school gym, events include bouncy castles, balloon twisting and face painting, come with the whole family, closing ceremonies and button draw prizes will follow.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Style; snowshoeing

Snowshoeing is amazing. So far we have gone with the school and as im writing this, i'm getting ready to go with my youth group. here is what i normally wear :

this includes;
-warm tights
-long-sleeved shirt
-splash pants/snow pants
(not pictured)

optional stuff;
-warm hat
-good water resistant boots that will fit into the snowshoe bindings

snowshoeing is amazing and if you don't have snowshoes don't worry. Most ski hills that have cross country runs will also rent snowshoes for the same trails. don't be afriad to ask.

til next time,